商品編號: | 26850 | |
商品名稱: | Digital Tutors Understanding the Basics of XPresso in CINEMA 4D 動畫程式語言教學 英文版 | |
語系版本: | 繁體中文 | |
運行平台: | Windows | |
特價商品: | 否 | |
更新日期: | 2019-01-02 | |
光碟片數: | 1片 | |
銷售價格: | $200元 | |
熱門標籤: |
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Understanding the Basics of XPresso in CINEMA 4D
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 影片的作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 影片的作業系統
軟體類型: 動畫程式語言教學
更新日期: 2013.08.15
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(k.EISO)
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1129-Understanding-the-Basics-of-XPresso-in-CINEMA-4D
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 Digital Tutors 教學網站所推出的教學↓
Understanding the Basics of XPresso in CINEMA 4D
Simon Fiedler
4 小時 2 分鐘
01.Introduction and Project Overview
02.Introduction to the Xpresso Editor
03.Data types
04.Adding Vectors
05.Subtracting Vectors
06.Exploring a Matrix
07.Combining Different Units the Range Mapper
08.Automate a Bouncing Ball
09.Extending the Setup with a Deformer
10.Integrating Slave Objects
11.Extending the Setup with an Iterator
12.Extending the Setup with Custom Offsets
13.Calculating the Circumference of a Tire
14.Making the Tire Roll
15.Extending the Setup
16.Banking Controls
17.Steering Controls
18.Planning the Setup
19.Jellyfish Body Movement
20.Morphing Two Targets
21.Delayed Deformers
22.Dynamic Materials
23.Giving the Tentacles Nice Motion
24.Creating a Controller For the Tentacles
25.Attaching the Tentacle Rig to the Body
26.Attaching the Dynamic Strings
27.Creating a Custom User Interface